If I have recommended fasting for you to address a microbiome issue or a metabolic issue, we have already set some ground rules. And if you are on the Shape ReClaimed program you will need some of the same support. When you are trying to reach a fasting goal or making some big changes in your lifestyle from being centered around food to better, healthier choices, you will have times of being anxious and hungry.

Here are some tips:
• Prepare for body. A couple of days before, cut your carbs and bad fat and sugar. Be sure to add good fat like avocados, flax seed, healthy oils (olive oil, avocado oil)
• Decide how long your are going to fast. It is much easier to reach a goal that you can count down. You don't want to just see how far you can go.
• Stay busy. Plan your longer fast (18hrs-2 days) when you have a busier day. Having down time can come with the risk of thinking too much about food. If your are home, plan some activities so you're not watching commercials about food!
• Plan a happiness boost. Eating causes a dopamine response which makes us feel better. That could be what your brain is wanting rather than food. Do something that brings you happiness like listening to your favorite music, dancing around the house, something that releases oxytocin (hugs). Adding tyrosine to your diet may help as it gives your body the building blocks it needs to make dopamine.
• Keep your mindset in check. As you are trying to change your lifestyle to one that isn't centered around food your limiting beliefs will come up. We can associate food with a happier time, or think of it as a reward. We may think food makes us feel better. Work on truth statements when these come up. "I don't need food to make me happy", "I don't need to trick myself into feeling better." Be sure you're experiencing real hunger, not just mouth hunger. "I am actually hungry" verses "I am bored or stressed".
If you need help with limiting beliefs look into the Self ReClaimed Kit on my website. This is an amazing 5 part toolkit to help you discover limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. You can read more about it here.
• Measurements help. Keeping a watch on your blood sugar and keynotes will help ease your mind about getting enough. And if there is an issue with your blood sugar you can address it.
•Know how you will break your fast. Lean protein, healthy fats, bone broth and something containing probiotics is a good place to start. Unless you are on Shape, then fats isn't how you want to break a fast.
• Reward yourself! Plan ahead on how you will reward yourself for reaching your goal. A new outfit? A facial? A pedicure? A glass of wine?
To learn more about intermittent fasting contact me for a free Wellness Discovery call.
*Time restricted feeding is most likely what I have recommended for most people. This has many benefits to your health by lowering blood sugar and allowing your digestive system time to rest and make more good microbes. You can start training your body by completing your last meal/snack by 9:00pm and not eating until the following morning about 7 am. This gives you 10 hours of restricted eating, Add an hour each night until you can go 12-14 hours. This is more difficult if you have insulin resistance or a heavy toxic load.
If you feel bad trying this, we have some other things to work on first.
***Intermittent fasting and time restricted feeding isn't for everyone. Be working with a licensed professional before you start longer fasts than 12 hours. There are several things to consider first. If you are in adrenal fatigue, fasting isn't for you. We can talk about another plan!
Remember, you and your health are worth fight for.
